Latest News
Posted on June 6th 2022
School Help Advice Reporting Page (SHARP) System is now live
At Harris Academy Orpington, we are happy to introduce a new reporting system with the aim of ensuring students receive the necessary support and reassurance where it is needed.
We are always looking at ways to improve our services and ways in which we can help our young people and therefore we would like to help students feel comfortable when disclosing information to us.
Whilst a large number of students feel comfortable in speaking to us face to face, there are times when students feel unable to do so, for a variety of reasons. To allow for this, we have introduced a new system, which enables students or parents/carers to disclose information or worries confidentially (both with or without the ability to disclose their name.) Within the website is also information and videos on key topics such as health and bullying.
If you wish to contact us, we would love to hear from you, and please be assured that you don’t have to leave your details if you don’t want to or aren't comfortable.
Visit the sharp page to see how it works.
Remember, this is a confidential way to seek help for yourself or a friend, family member, classmate, loved one or anyone else you may have seen suffering.
Use the link to get in touch if you need to, and help keep our school a safe, friendly and fun place to be.