Mental Health Support
It has been a difficult transition for everyone since returning from the Coronavirus lockdowns and the ensuing apprehension the pandemic has left behind. Whilst the long-term after-effects of a global pandemic are still relatively unknown, it is evident that this has impacted our students in many ways.
However, with the increase in research and understanding surrounding mental health, and in order to try and minimise the impact that both national and global issues have on young people, we are pleased to announce the provision of further support for our students.
One of the main difficulties students are facing is anxiety and the impact that this has on day-to-day tasks, such as attending school. Feedback from parents and the students themselves have brought these issues to our attention.
For additional support, please visit:
Bromley Wellbeing
We are fortunate to be collaborating with Caroline Stevenson, a worker from local mental health organisation Bromley Y, who is assigned to Harris Academy Orpington. Caroline has a wealth of experience working with young people.
As part of Bromley Y's support for families and young people please find below services that are available.
- Bromley Y calendar of webinars and events.
- Parent consultations via referral. If you are interested in speaking to a worker regarding your son/daughter and their mental health, please email including a brief description of the difficulties, your contact details, and your hours of availability for the practitioner to call.
- Student Sessions Face-to-Face. As an Academy we will be identifying students who would benefit from some small face-to-face workshops regarding mental health and, in particular, around managing anxiety. These workshops are planned to take place in the summer term and parents will be notified when these sessions are starting.
At Harris Academy Orpington, we understand that Mental Health and emotional wellbeing are key issues with young people, and so we are constantly looking for ways to support our students, including collaborating with local external services.
If you have any further questions regarding the services, please don’t hesitate to contact Mr Carey or Bromley Wellbeing direct.
Exam stress
Tests and exams can be a challenging part of school life for both students and parents. At Harris Academy Orpington we teach our students about mindfulness to help cope with stress. There are also lots of other ways to cope with the stress of exams. Why not download the Childline ‘Beat Exam Stress’ guide for tips and suggestions.
Mental Health First Aid training for staff
Staff within the Academy have been fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to become Mental Health First Aiders, through training by MHFA England. The four key areas of the course that were covered over the two days were:
- Youth Mental Health First Aid
- Depression and anxiety
- Suicide
- Self-harm and eating disorders
Talking Therapies
If you're struggling with things like feelings of depression, excessive worry, social anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) you can access talking therapies for free on the NHS.
You can refer yourself directly to an NHS talking therapies service without a referral from a GP, or a GP can refer you.
Help is available in person, by video, over the phone or as an online course.
More information is available here: