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An amazing experience to Parliament yesterday evening for some of our students as they sat in on the launch of the WEN Annual Review for 24-25. Thank you to for allowing our students to listen to the discussions taking place.


Easter Holiday Fun! Find out if your child is eligible for free holiday club places this half term where they can meet new friends, take part in creative, physical activities and enjoy free, nutritious meals each day. Browse our events and book now:


The top 6 things UK university admission teams look for when reviewing your UCAS application🎓


Year 9 Parents Evening is on the 20th March 2025.


Today, students had to find hidden posters of giants by 'whiffling' around site, with each form returned earning 'humplehammer' points. Cannot wait to see who the winners are!


Home challenges were the best way to win BFG points - but the week has not finished yet and there is still time to get some of these in!


Students had the chance to win 1 BFG point for every competition entered. These would be counted and added to each form tutors total, with a winner named from each challenge, winning a prize and a further 3 points.


HAO didn't just celebrate , we have been celebrating all week! The 'human beans' have been competing against each other in their form tutors to become one of the characters from BFG...


Year 11 Parents/Carers Evening is on the 13th March 2025.


An impressive display for an away game against a tough opponent. Onto the semi-finals!


Well done to our HAO 6th form team on their 7-1 win today in the Quarterfinals of the . The match started with a swift 0-1 to , but the team rallied and went on to win. 🏅⚽️


is on the 6th March. What are you reading to mark this occasion?


And lastly, there may have been a theme in the staff attire today... We hope everyone has a great weekend!


Government Performance Tables show value of Harris Academy Orpington:


Whilst staff also got to enjoy some snacks later on.


Students also got to enjoy the cuisine prepared by our catering team at lunch


Today at HAO we celebrated Jamaica Day! Students learnt more about the Jamaican culture, some facts about the country and where our staff are from.


Read the book, complete the quiz and enjoy the reward!


This is now taking place on Thursday 27th February 4.30 - 6.30


Our fabulous governor, Richard Hughes, led his third week of filmmaking workshops with Harris Sixth Formers from Orpington and Bromley. The students handled a professional film camera and learnt scripting & narrative techniques used in documentary filmmaking

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















Academy Admissions

Opening Mornings for Year 12 - For Admission September 2025

Please click here or scan the QR Code below to book your place on the Open Events in September 2025 using our online form.

QRCode for Harris Academy Orpington Sixth Form Open MorningsOpen Mornings

  • Thursday 5th December 2024 
  • Thursday 9th January 2025 
  • Thursday 6th February 2025

All will run from 09:10am to 09:40am


Admissions Arrangements 2025-2026

Following the recent consultation on our admissions arrangements, we have updated our admission policy for new admissions from 2025. The new policy can be viewed via the following link here, or alternatively, at the bottom of this page. 

The Governing Board carefully considered all responses received during the consultation period, before making decisions in respect of the admissions arrangements, and these were finalised and formally ratified by the Board on the 20th of February, 2024. The policy was unchanged from the admissions arrangements that were published for consultation. 

What does this mean for my child if they are currently in Year 6?   

There are two changes to the admissions policy: 

  1. Children who apply to join the Academy in Year 7 in 2025, will be invited to complete a banding test at the Academy in December 2024. This is quite standard across the Harris Federation and is nothing to worry about or be nervous about. The banding test is not a ‘pass or fail test’ as it is designed to make sure that we have a comprehensive intake. As a school, we want to make sure that we have students joining us from all ability ranges and the banding test helps us to do that. Please find in the document section below, a fact sheet regarding the banding test, as well as the supplementary information form. 

  1. We have also decided to reduce the number of places available to Year 7 to 120. This means we will have 60 less places available to children in Year 7 from 2025. 

Can I still get a place if my other child is at Harris Primary Academy Orpington? 

Yes. This part of the policy has not changed. Children who have an EHCP, are Looked After, have a sibling at the Academy, attend Harris Primary Orpington or are children of staff will still be allocated places first. 

What do I do if I have any questions about this? 

If you have any questions or are unsure about anything at all, please email and we will aim to get back to you within 24 hours. 

We welcome applicants of all academic abilities and backgrounds. In this section of our website you will find details of our admissions process. Our full policy, with details of our admissions criteria, can be downloaded below.

There are 120 places available in Year 7 every September and applications are made through the London Borough of Bromley’s coordinated admissions process

Harris Academy Orpington will set admission arrangements annually. Where changes are proposed to admission arrangements there will be a public consultation on these arrangements. If no changes are made to admission arrangements the Academy consultation will only take place at least every 7 years.

A copy of the approved Admissions Policy for 2024-25  and onwards, can be found below.

Please find our prospectus below.


Orpington_Pageturner Orpington_PDF
View Digital Prospectus Online Download a PDF

Year 7 Key Dates 2025-2026 

26 September 2024  

Open Evening for Year 7 and Sixth Form

23, 24, 25 & 27 September 2024 

Year 7 and Y12 Open Mornings - 9:00-10:00 - please book a space 

31 October 2024 

CAF forms returned to home Local Authority 

13 December 2024 

Banding Day 

3 March 2025 

National Offer Day - Local Authority informs parents/carers of allocated school 

15 April 2025 

4pm deadline for appeals to be made in writing to the Academy 

From 25 April 2025 onwards 

Appeal heard 

1 September 2025 

Waiting Lists closed and replaced by casual admissions waiting lists. Parents/Carers will need to re-apply as a casual admission, if still waiting. 

For parents who wish to appeal - Year 7 admissions 2025-26 

Any parent(s) wishing to appeal against the academy’s decision on admissions, for any year group, should complete an appeal form stating the reason for the appeal, based on the published admissions criteria. You can also obtain an appeals form by contacting the academy by phone, email or in person. 

Completed forms should be sent to the Clerk to the Appeal Panel at: Harris Academy Orpington, Tintagel Road, Orpington, Kent, BR5 4LG. Completed appeal forms must be received by the academy by the closing date 15th April 2025 at 4pm. Please note: the academy does not provide help with appeals. 

The appeals will be heard, in private, by an independent appeal panel. The Clerk to the Appeal Panel will make an appointment within a reasonable time; the provisional dates have been booked to be during the months of April/May.  

Appeals may be made in English or the parents’/carers’ first language. Only one appeal per application is allowed. Appeals are conducted in person, and you may bring a friend. Appeals must be made by 15th April 2025. 

Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date. 

Additional supporting information

If an appellant wishes to submit further evidence, which was not included with their initial appeal, they should ensure this is received at least seven clear working days (not counting the day of postage or the hearing) in advance of your appeal.

Only a short document, such as a doctor’s letter not previously available, will be accepted up to five clear working days prior to the hearing. Any additional evidence or information received after this deadline will not be circulated and may not be considered at the hearing.

The Appeal Hearing

The academy will arrange for an independent appeals panel to consider the academy's reasons for refusal and your reasons for wanting to attend the academy. The panel will consist of three people (two will have education experience and one will be an independent person with no education experience).

The panel will consider the case put forward by you and the academy. They must consider the admission arrangements for the academy and the reasons why you want to attend that particular school. The panel must exercise its discretion by balancing the weight of your argument (for wanting to attend) against the academy’s reasons for refusal i.e. the prejudice that one more student would cause to the education of the students already offered and the health and safety of all the students already attending the academy, also taking into account the academy's published admission arrangements.  

The decision of the independent appeals panel is binding on the admissions authority and the parents. Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least ten clear school days in advance of the hearing. Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case at least seven clear working days in advance of the hearing.

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