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Posted on March 20th 2019
Virtual Reality for Sixth Form at Ravensbourne University
Year 12 and 13 students visited the world-famous Ravensbourne University in Greenwich earlier this month to learn more about opportunities to study practical and creative subjects.
Students were given a tour of the facilities where they experienced virtual reality development in a working studio and production floor. They also took part in a lecture on film delivered by the university's vice dean for creative media and saw a showcase of work by Ravensbourne students.
"It was an eye-opening experience and one that has inspired students who were not considering UCAS applications to start the process," said Mr Pollard. "Students really enjoyed the day and it made them want to apply after realising what university life could be like." Since the visit, one of our students has already been offered a potential degree course at Ravensbourne.
One student said: "I thought the tour and facilities were amazing, I didn’t know we could even study this subject for a degree, I think I might apply."