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Posted on November 20th 2017
HAO Visit Jamie's Farm
During November 2017 we took a group of 12 students to Jamie’s Farm in Bath. We spent a week helping on a working farm where students were faced with a variety of challenges ranging from milking a cow and herding sheep to sitting and eating a civilised meal around a table. Throughout these challenges we learnt a lot about the students and what we can do at school and in lessons to help them achieve their full potential.
After our week residential we then spent three days at follow up visits at an urban farm in Waterloo, right in the heart of London. The objective here was to for students to engage in a wide range of farm activities, just as they did when they were on the residential, and to build on the therapeutic work that we started when they were away.
Consequently our students have been able to embed some of the positive changes they made during the residential and to flourish in terms of behaviour, engagement in school and/or confidence.