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Posted on March 20th 2023
Equalities Award - hear from our Equalities Community
We are proud to announce that we have been awarded the Gold Equalities Award from @EqualiTeach. A huge thank you to our staff and students that have helped us to achieve this. Together, We Can!
This award is testament to the school community that have worked hard to engage, discuss and provide opportunities for not only our students but also our staff, to learn from each other. The Equalities Team has shown it is passionate about working together to ensure that there is absolute equality for all!
Equaliteach - the awarding body wrote:
Congratulations on achieving your Gold Equalities Award! This demonstrates not only a commitment to equality, but that this work has been embedded, is creating a positive impact, and that your school can stand proudly as a beacon of good practice for other schools to learn from.
What our school community said...
"Receiving the achievement felt like all my hard work paid off. It has allowed a new spurt to further push me to do more and always aim further than my eyes can see. The amount of gratitude and support this award and my peers have given me will not go unrequited." - Student Shemaiah
"I am so pleased that our work to promote Equalities has been recognised in this way. We are incredibly proud of the community that we serve and this is a fantastic way to celebrate the work that we do and also to tell everyone how important our work to promote equalities is to us. Students and staff work tirelessly to ensure that everyone is welcome and everyone is looked after. Achieving the Gold Equalities Award is such an incredible achievement for our students, our parents and our staff! Together We Can!" - David Astin, Executive Principal
"Winning this award is like the light at the end of the tunnel. The manifestations of dedication and ambition. Posing as proof that change is a choice, this award only further validates that Together We Can." - Student Joao
"After all the hard work that we have been doing as an Academy with the student and staff equalities team, it is so wonderful that we have been awarded the gold award. It is truly wonderful to see the changes that have taken place here over the past five years. The process has been hard but it was all worth it and the work shall continue on." - Miss Gonzales - Staff Equalities team
"Winning the Gold award for Equalities is a tremendous accomplishment for me and I feel very proud as all my perseverance, determination and commitment to the team has paid off. The Gold award is not just a symbol of peoples individual effort but also a reflection of the collective effort and support of our fellow teachers, peers and pupils." - Student Faoziat
For more information on our Equalities team, click the link: Equalities Team - HAO