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A fantastic talk from to our young artists yesterday. They introduced the different colleges within the University and the courses offered. They also delivered a task to students on creative careers. A great talk for those looking at a future in the arts!


An amazing experience to Parliament yesterday evening for some of our students as they sat in on the launch of the WEN Annual Review for 24-25. Thank you to for allowing our students to listen to the discussions taking place.


Easter Holiday Fun! Find out if your child is eligible for free holiday club places this half term where they can meet new friends, take part in creative, physical activities and enjoy free, nutritious meals each day. Browse our events and book now:


The top 6 things UK university admission teams look for when reviewing your UCAS application🎓


Year 9 Parents Evening is on the 20th March 2025.


Today, students had to find hidden posters of giants by 'whiffling' around site, with each form returned earning 'humplehammer' points. Cannot wait to see who the winners are!


Home challenges were the best way to win BFG points - but the week has not finished yet and there is still time to get some of these in!


Students had the chance to win 1 BFG point for every competition entered. These would be counted and added to each form tutors total, with a winner named from each challenge, winning a prize and a further 3 points.


HAO didn't just celebrate , we have been celebrating all week! The 'human beans' have been competing against each other in their form tutors to become one of the characters from BFG...


Year 11 Parents/Carers Evening is on the 13th March 2025.


An impressive display for an away game against a tough opponent. Onto the semi-finals!


Well done to our HAO 6th form team on their 7-1 win today in the Quarterfinals of the . The match started with a swift 0-1 to , but the team rallied and went on to win. 🏅⚽️


is on the 6th March. What are you reading to mark this occasion?


And lastly, there may have been a theme in the staff attire today... We hope everyone has a great weekend!


Government Performance Tables show value of Harris Academy Orpington:


Whilst staff also got to enjoy some snacks later on.


Students also got to enjoy the cuisine prepared by our catering team at lunch


Today at HAO we celebrated Jamaica Day! Students learnt more about the Jamaican culture, some facts about the country and where our staff are from.


Read the book, complete the quiz and enjoy the reward!


This is now taking place on Thursday 27th February 4.30 - 6.30

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office


















The Harris Federation schemes of learning have been written in line with the aims and ethos of the new National Curriculum and assessments. This has been an exciting opportunity to re-examine the principals of how we teach Mathematics across the Federation and these schemes of work are adopted at Harris Academy Orpington.

We have designed our curriculum such that it reflects the linear nature of Mathematics with opportunities to revisit and consolidate learning so that concepts are not superficially covered but learnt and understood in greater depth. We took the programmes of study from the Department for Education for both Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 and have created a curriculum with a five-year course, with exemplar activities and resources to support students learning.

Academy mathematics leaders and teachers are regularly consulted about the curriculum and their feedback has informed further development of the scheme of learning and professional development for our teachers so that our curriculum and delivery are continuously being improved. The mathematics consultant central team see professional development as key to improved learning outcomes for students.

During the years following the initial development of the scheme of learning, Mathematics teachers have received high-quality professional development through London Thames Maths Hub and Federation INSET days and have had opportunities to discuss, collaborate and share ideas and pedagogy to strengthen the schemes of learning and their own professional learning needs. 

Harris Academy Orpington has adapted the schemes of learning to ensure it is the best possible curriculum for the cohort of students and to also consider the individual context of the School including the number of lessons they have each week and the timings of their lessons.

What is the intention of the curriculum?

At Harris Academy Orpington we believe that all pupils, regardless of background, have the right to access a high-quality Mathematics curriculum – a curriculum that is both enjoyable and challenging, and where challenge is provided through depth rather than acceleration. Through the study of the principal strands (proportional reasoning, geometric reasoning, data handling, algebra and number) our curriculum is designed to create opportunities that allow pupils to make connections, within the discipline, and across the wider curriculum.

The purpose of our curriculum is to empower students to develop and apply problem-solving skills as they explore and learn Mathematics in a way that sparks their curiosity and builds their resilience. We equip our students with the skills and knowledge to empower them to improve their numerical literacy supporting them in the world we live in. We want to ensure that all teaching across key stages is purposeful, builds on previous knowledge and sequenced to ensure pupils learn more, do more and remember more in Maths lessons.

With our curriculum we aim to support and engage all students to achieve high levels of mathematical reasoning and problem solving whilst helping pupils to develop not only a deep but a secure knowledge and understanding of Mathematics that will remain with them at each stage of their learning.

How will this be implemented?

Subject expertise allows the intentions of our Mathematics curriculum to be executed successfully. Teachers use their subject knowledge to cultivate a classroom culture where the discussion of mathematical ideas is promoted and through these discussions mathematical vocabulary is expanded. Each teacher has autonomy in the classroom. However, we choose to plan lessons and activities as a collective, together developing a range of different activities to engage students in improving their reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Our schemes of work are built on the foundation of skills and knowledge acquired during Key Stage 2. We take time to ensure that students have the pre-requisite skills to maximise their participation and engagement, developing confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take a risk.  The interleaving design of the curriculum means that topics are revisited throughout the course and addressed in further depth each time, again building on prior knowledge.

For some students at Harris Academy Orpington it is appropriate to provide them with additional Maths support. These are identified though initial assessments and all pupils continue to be reviewed to ensure pupils receive appropriate support. We have specialist teachers delivering Target Maths sessions that aim to support pupil confidence with key mathematical ideas and work alongside the curriculum to maximise pupil progress and build a strong foundation of mathematical knowledge.

Following the completion of each unit (topic), an assessment is completed. This provides an opportunity to determine students’ strengths and weakness and thus informs our planning. Following assessments, summative and formative, we further consolidation or offer greater challenge where appropriate.

For homework, we use Hegarty Maths where students are set personalised task with videos for support. The homework platform allows the opportunity for habitual practice which support students commit their maths skills into long term memory. Students also complete quizzes which review skills which they have previously covered.

How will we judge the impact of this curriculum?

When students come to the end of their time at Harris Academy Orpington, they can think, talk and act mathematically. They are confident in applying their knowledge to enable them to be both financially and data literate, skills which will allow them to positively contribute to society in any field they choose. They have developed an understanding of the beauty and the relevance of mathematics in our society and many will continue to study maths Post 16.

Curriculum map and progression

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Autumn 1


Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2 

Developing Number Sense 

Algebraic Thinking           (Sequences and function machines) 

Fractional Thinking 

Calculating with percentages

Perimeter, area and volume


Directed numbers 

Factors, Multiples, Primes and Indices

Power of 10

Proportional reasoning

Scales and ratio

Data Collection

Place value

Fractions, Decimal and Percentages 

Rounding and estimation



Graphs and charts 

Hierarchy of Operations 

Fractional Thinking 

Calculations with decimals

Perimeter, area and volume


Probability and Sets

Introduction to Algebraic Thinking (Simplifying, creating expression, substitution)













Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 8

Calculating with decimals 

Probability and Sample Space 


Linear and Quadratic graphs 

Area and Perimeter

Pythagoras Theorem 



Standard Form and Compound measures 

Proportional Reasoning 

Percentage Change 

Data and Charts 

Properties of Shape

Algebraic Thinking - Factorising and Expanding 


Roots, Powers and Estimation


Scatter Graphs 

 Angles in Parallel lines

Congruence and Similarity





Coordinate Geometry







Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 9


Changing the subject of an equation

Right-Angled Triangles

3D Shapes

Percentage Change

Scatter Graphs 



Similarity and Congruence

Compound Measure 

Expanding binomials and graphical solutions

Standard Form 

Angles in Polygons

Proportional Reasoning

Simultaneous Equations 





Key Stage 4

The mathematics schemes of work for Key Stage 4 broadly follows the AQA new GCSE mathematics 8300 specification and builds on students prior learning from Key Stage 3.

Students will follow either the foundation or higher scheme of work depending on prior assessments and teacher judgement based on classwork and independent work. Problem-solving is at the heart of the new curriculum and opportunities to develop problem-solving and reasoning skills in maths are embedded within each unit of work.  Once students reach Year 11, their teachers will decide upon how much they need to deviate away from the scheme of work based on thorough assessment. This takes place in lessons and through whole school mock exams.

The new Key Stage 4 curriculum is focused on students developing mastery of mathematics and involves:

-  developing fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts
-  acquiring, selecting and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems
-  reasoning mathematically, making deductions and inferences and drawing conclusions
-  comprehending, interpreting and communicating mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.


Foundation Tier

Year 10F 

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Compound Measures

Perimeter, Area and Volume


Simultaneous equations


Calculating with Percentages

Equations, identities, and inequalities

Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometry

Plotting and interpreting graphs


Constructions and loci

Statistical Measures

Properties of Shapes including Polygons 






Congruence and Similarity






Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 11F 

Algebraic equations and Expressions 


Angles including bearings

Inequalities and Identities 

Construction and locii 

External Exams 

Standard Form

Ratio, Proportion and Variation 

Right angles triangles

Non linear graphs and real life graphs


Coordinates and linear graphs 

Transformations and vectors 

Area Perimeter and Volume


External Exams


Higher Tier

Year 10H

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Indices and Standard Form 

Compound Measure 

Similarity and congruence

Quadratics and their graphs 

Simultaneous equations


Calculating with percentages

Equations, identities, and inequalities


Plotting and interpreting graphs


Constructions and Loci

Statistical Measures

Properties of Shape 

Pythagoras’ Theorem and trigonometry






Perimeter, area, and volume
















Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 11H

Accuracy and bounds


Angels including circle theorems



External exams 

Algebraic expressions, functions and iteration

Ratio, proportion and variation


Non linear and real life graphs 

Equation of straight lines 

Transformations and vectors

Surface area and volume

Equations, inequalities, identities and proof